Emily Penn

Emily Penn


»I’m aware that when you try to solve something and you don’t really know where to start, the first step is to deeply understand the problem.«

Emily is an experienced skipper, ocean advocate and artist who is dedicated to exploring the huge environmental challenges we face, in particular ocean plastics. As much at home in and on the water as she is on dry land, Emily's ability to develop and communicate solutions for challenges facing today's society has been sharpened by a diverse portfolio of unique experiences. 

Emily left Cambridge University with a degree in Architecture and a job offer in Australia. Deciding not to fly, she landed herself place on Earthrace - a record breaking bio-fuelled boat - and after crossing the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans ended up Tonga and single-handedly co-ordinated the largest ever community-led rubbish cleanup in the South Pacific. 

She went on to co-found Pangaea Explorations to enable scientists, filmmakers and everyday people gain access to the most remote parts of our planet via a 72ft sailing expedition vessel; collecting data on global issues and along the way discovered previously unknown oceanic gyres – huge areas of plastic pollution accumulation. Emily trawled for microplastics on a voyage through the Arctic Northwest Passage and worked on a sailing cargo ship trading western supplies for coconuts. 

Emily now splits her time between running eXXpedition - a series of all female voyages focusing on plastic pollution and female health - and working on solving the ocean plastics issue with Parley for the Oceans and other corporate clients. 

At the heart of Emily’s work is a mission to inspire and facilitate a community of changemakers. She runs workshops and programs that encourage us to rethink everything we do from the social and environmental challenges we face, to happiness, efficiency, values, mass-consumption and more. Emily has followed her passion in life, not a pre-set career path, and as such she is an inspiration to all who desire the same for their lives. 

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