Yukiko Elisabeth Kobayashi

Yukiko Elisabeth Kobayashi

Diplom-Psychologin - prototyping the future of business & society

Yukiko Elisabeth Kobayashi is a dynamic and experienced leader, founder, speaker and coach, passionate about supporting individuals, organizations and communities to develop future-oriented mindsets and skills in order to tackle challenges deriving particularly from mega-trends like AI/digitization, internationalization, sustainability and new work. Her central point of reference are the SDGs.

Experienced in the design and execution of future-oriented, innovative development experiences like learning journeys, innovation bootcamps, leadership development workshops and programs, cultural journeys, intercultural workshops and interventions, large group events and cross-mentorings.

Passionate about helping individuals design and re-invent their private and professional lifes.

Over the years she has built a radically diverse network of ,unlikely allies‘ that is constantly growing and has an enormous innovative potential.

She has gained over 20 years of leadership, founding and consulting experience across a wide range of fields including big corporations (Lufthansa German Airlines, AstraZeneca, Boehringer, tesa), Startups (ImpactDOCK Hamburg), NGOs (AFS).

She holds a diploma in psychology, with a special focus on developmental and intercultural psychology.

Being half-German, half-Japanese, Yukiko Elisabeth Kobayashi has lived and worked in various international settings.



20.04.2021 / 15:00 - 15:45 / Stream 7 / Masterclass

Wo Kultur neue Wege geht

20.04.2021 / 16:00 - 16:45 / Stream 7 / Masterclass

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